Well, it's definetly fall outside now. This morning greeted us with a clear blue sky - and 3.3 degrees celsius.. *brr* And it's going to get colder. This is definetly the season for sitting inside and working on crafts - being knitting or sewing. I'm working on a little of both at the moment. Or, to be honest, knitting seems to be easier to pick up - you only need needles and some yarn. Sewing seems to be more of an effort picking up these days, as you need a sewing machine, fabric, pattern, buttons, thread, notions, ironing board, the actual iron, etc etc etc. But, I think/hope this will change a little once we move.
We're in the process of moving to our new apartment. Actually, we're signing the final papers on Friday, which is when we get the keys - and we'll start moving stuff on Friday afternoon, hopefully finishing the actual moving of stuff on Saturday, and have Sunday to clean our old apartment. *phew* Now, if my plans work out, I'll have a small designated place for my sewing stuff, which will mean that I won't have to invade the kitchen each and every time I plan to do something. *fingers crossed*

Have you ever seen this magazine before? I hadn't - until last week, when my
mom was in town. We both ended up buying it - and have a pact to have something planned or started from this magazine by the end of this week. Well, with us moving this weekend, I think I'll have to stop by planning. It's full of patterns and ideas and all things pretty - it's very difficult to decide what to make. This is the second issue, apparently, and even though it cost a little more than the average quilt/crafts magazine does, it had a bunch of stuff enclosed too - fabric, felt, buttons, ribbons, etc - to make some of the items inside. Unfortunetly, it was wrapped in plastic, so it would be kinda difficult to flip through the pages unless you buy it.. but I can say that I really liked it, for whatever that is worth.

Well, it's the middle of October already, and I've got my head full of things that I'd like to make. Like the things in the picture above. I've actually tried my hand at designing something by myself, and although I don't really care much for my own drawings, I kinda like the way some of these things turned out. I can't show you what they really look like - or what they will look like in the end - you see, these are little secrets.. and secrets are best kept, well, secret, aren't they? But sneaky peaks are allowed. ;)

I've actually finished the main present for this years SSCS. I decided to use fabric from my favorite series - Heart to Heart, by Moda. It's an old one, but I absolutely love it! I've got some bits and pieces left, which I've been saving, but it's better for the both of us (me and the fabric) that they are used for something. I'm loving the way this little project turned out, and I do hope that the person who recieves it also will like it. Time will tell. :)

Peder's Christmas stocking has been stitched too - here's a little sneak peak of the Santa. I'm not completely happy with his beard, and I'm thinking of maybe trying to dye the fabric in tea to see if that will help the beard stand out more. Luckily (haha) I haven't finished sewing it up yet, and since I have some time before I have to have it finished, I'll leave it for a little while longer and see what I'll end up with. What would you have done, would you've tried to dye it?

Well, as I said in the beginning of this post, knitting is so much easier to pick up these days than sewing.. And I've fallen in love with purple yarn! (Well, I do like purple, but this yarn was just stunning.) I'm working on something called "pocket slippers". Will show you what that is when I'm done with this pair. I actually made one pair last week, but ended up using a size needles bigger than the pattern said, and they were HUGE! I think I can fit both my feet into one slipper.. So I started a new pair. It's a very simple pattern, I found it on a Norwegian blog a couple of weeks ago.

And here's to working on Christmas presents early! I found this wonderful yarn with variations of purple in it in my local yarn shop, and I knew that this had to be made into something for a very dear friend of mine. It's warm and soft and cuddly - and a dream to work with! I'll show you the result when I'm done. ;)
Well, the young boss of the house is awake again (so much for getting some knitting done while he slept, but atleast I got a post done).
Until next time!