Oops, I didn't get around to blogging last week's block, and this week's block went by so quickly. That's why there are two blocks blogged this Tuesday.
Block 21 - Walk the dog.

Block 22 - Make a daisy chain.
Last week was a busy one.. I started the week by having Monday off work (which I regretted when I checked my work email Tuesdag morning..) but I needed it after spending the weekend camping with the scouts (ages 7,5-9). It was "only" from Saturday evening to Sunday afternoon, but when you've got 16 boys all over the place, some of them who'd never slept over with strangers before, and very little sleep for us adults during the night... it's more or less needless to say that you run out of energy coming home. I was walking home from the scout house on Sunday afternoon, reaking of campfire smoke, and feeling so drained that I was both dissy and nausious. Not really my favorite state of being, you might say.. Ended up taking a hot shower, before eating some leftover dinner from the night before - and sleeping on the couch the rest of the evening.
Monday morning I waited until the others had left for school, kindergarden and work, before I went up to my sewing nook. I had plans, and I had every intent to stick to those plans. So, before lunch (yup, it took that long...) I got the flimsy from the fussycuttingsewalong/focuscuttingsewalong 2019 ready for quilting (batting and backing fastened), and after lunch I tackled another quite big project - the block of the month Dancing chickens and flying pigs from Anni Downs / Hatched and patched. I decided to finish it in a classic style rather than folding the backing over and making an invisible edge (I think that was according to the pattern), so I'll be making and attaching the binding when it's quilted.
I've shipped both quilts to my mom for quilting - making a trade, since I've been spinning yarn for her lately.
It feels really good to know that these two large projects are almost done now.. And I know I have a couple more projects waiting to be finished - which are lacking some or little work to get done too. But which one should I prioritise first? The eldest? The one lacking the most work? The most recent one? How do you decided which one to finish first?
Edited to add :
I've updated this blog to add another page - Works in progress - listing all/most of my current slumbering projects. There were more than I thought.. but I really enjoyed revisiting them while making the list. My fingers are itching to get them done. Most of them, anyways. There's one or two that might just have to go. I don't see myself finishing them. And I don't feel bad about it at all.