Saturday, January 24, 2015

First finish in 2015!

Last night I finished the first quilty project of 2015. It's a small stitchery designed by Anni Downs. I had some ideas, but ended up making a mini-quilt instead. Love the fabric, though. An old series, and this was basically what was left of it. 

I've also received the pattern for the 2015 SAL (stitch-a-long) in the mail - which is also a pattern by Anni Downs (Natures Journey). The instructions for February are out - and I can't wait to get started. 

I've also finished the first knitted project, but I don't have a very good picture of it yet.. But it's been tested! A morning with -10C was the perfect opertunity to test it - as you can see from the picture, I was nice and snug and warm in my new scarf. 

Can you guess how long the scarf is? (Even after skipping one of the 20 patterns..) 

Nothing beats homeknitted in the winter cold!

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Which plans? Oh, you mean the plans I had about sewing and preppinh stuff today, while the boys were out? Pffffft.. They didn't get any further than on the planned-list. Instead, I grabbed a pair of needles and a ball of yarn and went to "observe" them climbing (indoors, of course). 

"Observe" meaning I didn't climb. I don't have the courses required (yet..) and I don't really think they want pregnant people hanging in ropes there anyway.. 

And tonight? Well, no sewing, unfortunetly. I have 2 pattern pieces ledt to knit on a "mystery scarf", and I really want to finish it before the pattern for the SAL arrives. 

Working on part 17 of 20 (but I'm skipping one part).