I bought my laptop a few - well, ok, closer to 5.. - years ago, and for the past year it's been somewhat less than portable, seeing as it got overheated when the battery was in (weird..?) so it only worked with the power cable in (making it a sit on the couch-kinda computer). Well, I've been wanting a Mac ever since I went to University, and had my mind more or less set on buying one some time this year. So when hubby saw that there was a
we've redecorated our shop-sale in one of the down town stores, lo and be hold a brand new MacBookPro ended up in my lap.
Here it is, still in it's box. 13" MacBookPro. |
So far I've only had time to do some basic playing around and changing of settings, but have noticed the new keys and structures of the keyboard that I will have to learn. Lucky for me, hubby's been using a Mac for quite some years, and even uses one at work, so I've got my very own Mac-support at home. ^.^
In the crafting department, I've been working on a stitchery for Christmas, crocheting on a blanket (which is a
never-ending-as-long-as-I-have-suitable-stash-&-leftovers kind of project), knitted a kitchen cloth (
kopptue, in Norwegian), and sewing mug rugs. I entered a mug rug swap organized by
Quilting Gallery back in January, where we received the patterns to make two mug rugs (or inspire, as the colours were to be of our own choosing). I sent my two mug rugs off to Canada in the beginning of March, and finally received mine earlier this week. (Actually, I thought the pattern was soo adorable, I decided to make two of each when I was sending them to my partner, so that I could keep one set for myself.. sneaky, I know.. but now I've got four new mug rugs to use - and I love how different they are!
The mug rugs I received from Ellen. Don't you just love the colors? |
Copies of the ones I sent to Gailene. |
Miniman turned three earlier this week, and had two celebrations that day - first in kindergarden, and then again in the afternoon when his
Grandma and Emma came for dinner/a playdate. This weekend we're having a third (and hopefully final..) celebration of his birthday - throwing in a minor celebration of mine too. So tomorrow I'm putting on my apron and will spend most of the day baking. Perhaps you'd like to see the results?
Here's a sneakpeak from Wednesday evening..
Lemon-flavoured cookies. Yes, dinosaurs, tractors and apples.. |
Until next time.. happy crafting!