Monday, October 29, 2007


A little while back, my mom tagged me for this Meme. So I guess I'd better complete it and send it on it's way. :)

Here goes:

4 jobs I have had:
- quilt-/tourist-/crafts shop (a three-in-one solution)
- IT-department in college (student assistant)
- school librarian
- document controller

4 films I could watch over and over:
- Lord of the Rings (all three)
- The Matrix (the first one)
- Practical Magic
- The Nightmare before Christmas (and basically any other Tim Burton film)

4 TV shows I watch:
- CSI (preferrably Las Vegas)
- Bones
- Veronica Mars
- The X-files (we're on a memorability-run through the series now, almost done with season 5!)

4 places I have lived:
- Trysil
- Oslo (studying)
- Tønsberg
- Oslo

4 favorite foods:
- ostehorn! (cheese-and-ham-filled baked hornshaped pastry, if anyone understands that.. it needs to be tasted!)
- Sloppy Joe's (Martin-style)
- Indian food (mmm... curry.. chicken.. spices..)
- roasted ham with creambaked potatoes

4 favorite colors:
- black (duh..)
- blue
- purple
- brown

4 places I love to be right now:
- Japan
- San Fransisco
- Paris
- London

4 names I love but could/would not use for my children:
- Quentin
- Taran
- Vilja
- Dominic

4 people I love to tag with this Meme:
Anyone who feel like doing this little Meme - I know so many of you have already completed it, so I'm making it open to anyone who feels like taking it. ;)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Still here..

Just a little busy..

I heard a little bird say that Chookyblue had wondered where I was. ;) Still here, I can assure you.

It's just been a couple of crazy days and weeks - both at work and at home. Not just trying to be social when the occation demands it (although it feels so much nicer to just go to bed after dinner and sleep for a couple of hours), but also getting the annual NTF (Norwegian Fancy Rat Association) party on it's feet and pulled through, but also - again - work.. Been working over-time at work, and trying to get things done both here and there, so eventhough I have blogged in my mind, there hasn't really been much to look at in here. :/

I have managed to do some things inbetween though (just not blog them) - I've come quite a long way on my SSCS (gonna wait with the picture until it's all done), and "Love is.." is now done! Hurray!!! Thanks to my mom who machine quilted it (it was a matter of getting it done - after almost three years of working on it, I got kinda sick of it, but the quilting suits it, and now it's waiting for a couple of nails in the wall so that it can be hung in our bedroom - the only place with a big enough empty space on the wall). I've even almost finished the october-part of our miniature BOM (my mom, two of her friends and I decided to only make one block a month of this calendar quilt back in June, almost halfway now).

I'll leave you with a picture of the completed "Love is.." - have to remember to mark it off as done in my UFO-list too - and I will post a new picture when it's up on it's wall. :) Kinda hard to get a good picture when it's draped over the sofa instead of hanging on the wall.. but it's done! And that's what matters. :)