Monday, October 29, 2007


A little while back, my mom tagged me for this Meme. So I guess I'd better complete it and send it on it's way. :)

Here goes:

4 jobs I have had:
- quilt-/tourist-/crafts shop (a three-in-one solution)
- IT-department in college (student assistant)
- school librarian
- document controller

4 films I could watch over and over:
- Lord of the Rings (all three)
- The Matrix (the first one)
- Practical Magic
- The Nightmare before Christmas (and basically any other Tim Burton film)

4 TV shows I watch:
- CSI (preferrably Las Vegas)
- Bones
- Veronica Mars
- The X-files (we're on a memorability-run through the series now, almost done with season 5!)

4 places I have lived:
- Trysil
- Oslo (studying)
- Tønsberg
- Oslo

4 favorite foods:
- ostehorn! (cheese-and-ham-filled baked hornshaped pastry, if anyone understands that.. it needs to be tasted!)
- Sloppy Joe's (Martin-style)
- Indian food (mmm... curry.. chicken.. spices..)
- roasted ham with creambaked potatoes

4 favorite colors:
- black (duh..)
- blue
- purple
- brown

4 places I love to be right now:
- Japan
- San Fransisco
- Paris
- London

4 names I love but could/would not use for my children:
- Quentin
- Taran
- Vilja
- Dominic

4 people I love to tag with this Meme:
Anyone who feel like doing this little Meme - I know so many of you have already completed it, so I'm making it open to anyone who feels like taking it. ;)

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