Anyway, I only needed some more silk thread from Katrine's, but when I came there, I remembered how much light fabric that had disappeared into this little secret I'm making.. so I started to look, and ended up with 4 new ones.
I also dropped by Panduro - since I'd gotten two discount coupons there in January (buy for over 200,- in February and get 50,- off). Unfortunately, I ended up with two of these coupons, and since I can only use one coupon per buy, I have to go back again and buy more. Oh, how sad.. ;p
On Tuesday my mom and the mom of one of Systeryster's friends from work are coming to Oslo. That'll be fun. :) I can't wait! Mom's taking my "Love is.."-blocks back to cut them to proper size (with her fancy-smanchy ruler and cutter) so that I can finally finish it. Yay! Plus, she's borrowing some of my stamps too - and I've shopped a little for her, Tilda-stuff and stuff.
Will be great!
Dette var jammen fint.
hallo. kjempe flotte varer. laila
Hei. så søte stempler. Vigdis
Søte stempler, hilsen Vigdis
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