Friday, September 30, 2022
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Sew Together Fall 2022
In my quilt guild they arrange two sew together-weekends each year, one in spring and one in fall. Last weekend hubby and the kids went to the in-laws for the weekend, while I went to the sew together. I brought my e-spinner on Saturday, and managed to get some spinning done.
During the weekend the blue blocks made by the members were sewn together, and the top is now ready to be quilted and then donated. The criteria was blue (as a main colour) and 8,5 inch in size.

It looks pretty good with all the different shades of blue and the different designs each member went for. My two blocks are here too - a butterfly on a white background (row 4) and a simple striped block (top row).
I brought my sewing machine on Sunday (after spending ALL of Saturday night looking for the bag for my Bernina - unsuccessfully). By chance, the bag from the Festival of Quilts was big enough to carry the machine to and from the sew together. *phew*
I brought with me a kit from Kim Diehl (a subscription from long ago from Fat Quarter Shop) this weekend, and managed to get all the pieces cut on Saturday - and sewn together on Sunday.

It's looking good! I've put batting and backing on it, and it is now ready for handquilting. It's really quite small, 13 1/2 by 16 1/2 inches, but so. many. pieces. The smallest one are 1 1/2 inch and 1 3/8 inch cut into triangles.
There's plenty of fabric left *..yay..?* almost enough to make another top.
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Evening versus morning
Yesterday afternoon the heavens opened up and the rain came crashing down. A while later the sun came back, and for a while the sky seemed to be split in two - one side rained and the other shone, making a gorgeous double-rainbow.
And this morning, the moon shone through the top of the trees across the road from my bus stop. (It's not the easiest thing to do, to get a good photo in the dusky morning light, nor of the moon, but I think it got a pretty cool effect anyway.)

Tomorrow I'm working from home. It means an hour more sleep before the day starts, no commuting by bus or havong to deal with "other people" (family not counting) both going to and coming home from the office.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
The Story of My Day, by Anni Downs of Hatched and Patched, has been stitched and waited for some time. My first idea of sewing the blocks together, was to use mini charm packs of different colours. Well, that basically made the stitcheries disappear. So I frogged it and found pieces of grey and blue to give some space between the stiticheries and the surrounding facbric.But.. I still was not happy about it. It felt too busy, distracting, and just wrong.
So the seam ripper resurfaced and the blocks went into the basket again.
I decided to exchange the squares with a calmer yellow fabric, and that really seems to be working. I'm happy again.

And now to select the fabric to frame the whole thing. I'm thinking something blue would be suitable, and have pulled a selection of candidates from my stash to see which would be most fitting.
In other news we've been changing activities at home this fall. P wanted to return to playing football and is currently busy practicing three afternoons per week. And A wanted to try playing handball, with girls from her class. They're both really happy about this change - and so our adventures scouting has been put on hold for a while. With practice and games there's hardly an evening per week that there are no plans made.
Post-COVID I can say that I'm more or less back to my normal self again. Just a dry cough once in a while (mostly when I'm feeling tired). My urge to craft is back - woohoo! - if only this work thing didn't interfere all the time.. I wonder how many of my projects I'd be able to finish, if I didn't have to go in to the office every day.. I guess I'll have to play the lottery and see if the grand prize comes my way (and try to use the time I have in the best manner possible).
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Monday, September 12, 2022
Star struck - Nebula is a flimsy!
Yep, I think we can say that it is big enough. It is HUGE! And even hubby commented on it, saying it was pretty.
My bobbin ran out of thread 10 centimeters before the seam ended. I was waiting for it, so it wasn't a surprice.
The colours are so much more vibrant than the pictures show - the light is afternonn-shady side of the house-sunlight.

"Just" the quilting left. (Oh, and binding, but that's really a piece of cake. If I clear my desk so that the quilt will fit..)
It's heavy, even for a flimsy. I wonder how it will be when it's quilted..
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Saturday, September 10, 2022
One Seam More..
Oooh we’re halfway there! 🎶

Had to unpick one of the corners as I had sewn one prt upside-down. Oh well. 🤦🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
There’s one seam left - which I’m not sewing tonight. Perhaps I’ll be able to work on a different project now - or perhaps I’ll be sucked down into the void of the Nebula.. 🤔
Wednesday, September 07, 2022
Nebula - from many pieces to 6
It's been about 2 1/2 years since I signed up for and started working on my Nebula. In July I decided to get all the border blocks cut (which took almost an entire day - and a blade) and then I started to sew these together to make the blocks.
I tried to lay it out on the floor of our living room, but there wasn't enough space. I'm wondering if maybe.. maybe it's getting a bit too big...?
The pattern instructions show that you'll sew the quilt first in six pieces, then sew these together as 2x3, and then joining these two.
Rolling up my sleves and taking a deep breath, I started working.

1/6 came together pretty fast and easy. This is the top middle part.

2/6 (upper left corner) required a bit of consulting with the pattern to make sure the blocks ended up the right way, etc.

3/6 (upper right corner) and the pattern is consulted frequently. Halfway there.

And then we're starting the bottom half. 4/6 is bottom middle part.

5/6 (bottom right side).

And finally 6/6 (bottom left side). *phew*
These 6 parts are now hanging, ready to be sewn into 2x3 pieces. It is getting pretty HUGE! And I'm thinking of finding someone to quilt it for me.
There hasn't been much else sewing going on for me these past weeks. Just the weekly blocks for the #focuscuttingsewalong on Instagram, and some UFO's that I picked up from my mom this summer. (Strangely, it is more fun to work on someone else's projects rather than my own.)
A small COVID-update: I spent the first week after the positive test basically sleeping. 3-4 naps per day, and full nights sleet as well. Alternating between sleeping in my bed and sleeping on the couch.
The next week I tried to work from home, to see if that was manageable. It worked pretty good, but trips outside or meeting others was exausting!
Week 3 I still worked from home, but startet to take longer walks and meeting people, to test my energy levels. The first few days were tough, but it got better and better.
And now, almost four weeks later, I'm back in the office. I still feel a little more tired than I used to, before COVID, but it's manageable. Still taking things a bit easy, and will continue to do so for a while longer.
Monday, September 05, 2022
Saturday, September 03, 2022
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