Well, I figured it was about time for a new post, one that was not coming via IG.
So what's been happening since the last post? Covid-vise not much. P did manage to get sick, and spent a week home from school. He's fine now. The first couple of days were tiring, with fever and headaches - but by day three he started to feel bored and begun doing schoolwork. The other three in the house are still unaffected. All tests have been negative.
We took a day off, all four of us, during the school's Winter break, and spent it at a pool swimming and enjoying the warm water in the therapeutical pool.
I begun knitting a pair of socks from the yarn my mom gave me in the advent calendar. It's a skein of Halloween sock yarn, and knits up beautifully and stripy.

Seeing as the sock knitters in the family tend to get older, stop knitting (or leaving this Earth) I decided to learn how to knit my own socks a while back. I'm still not quite comfortable knitting heels, but I manage to make a kind of afterwards-heel (I knit the rest of the sock first).

Since Omicron took over the Covid-throne, and the government decided it was a milder, less dangerous variant, work has been asking people to come back to the office more and more. I keep checking my calendar to see which days will be filled most with meetings -and seeing which activities we're doing in the afternoons - to see which days I should go in to the office and which it will be most efficient to work from home. If my day is filled with Teams meetings with people from all over the country, I'll be working from home - if the meetings are held in-house with a meeting room, I'll come in to the office.

But it's taking it's toll on me, getting up so early, commuting in to Oslo, at these hours. I can feel how little extra strength or energy I have for getting the rest of the house in order when I have been in the office. It's draining to get up early, travel, the noises and interaction with other people, and travelling back. Working from home these past two years have been wonderful for my introvert self.

And craft-wise? Well, I started working on a list of started projects - or UFO's if you want - back in late December/early January, and I've been slowly working my way through this list. It was long, but I kinda enjoy finishing things too. Like the picture above - back when LeAnn's House was the big thing "everybody" was working on (I can't remember quite when... pleause help) I prepared and made 8 blocks with hearts and 8 blocks with flowers. And then I lost my project mojo, and these blocks were packed away. Until now - they've been made into three other projects, all done! Which is really, really nice!
I'll post a pisture of the finished projects later. Perhaps even my list of projects, if that would be interesting to see.