Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Weekend in Flåm

Last weekend hubby and I spent travelling to Flåm and enjoying a weekend in great nature - and without the kids (who didn't have a bad time or missing us at all). 

It was quite a drive, between 5 and 6 hours up and over the mountains - until we arrived at the red dot (not too far from Bergen). 

Flåm is a quiet town of around 400 inhabitants - visited by MANY tourists and cruise ships (normally, but a little more quiet now, thanks to COVID etc.). It is famous for the breath-taking nature, the fjord and the Flåmsbana. They also have a local brewery, which we tried to visit, but it was full. Oh well, next time. :-) One of the highest mountains surrounding Flåm, is Prest - reaching a total of 1478 meter above the sea. 

The water is so incredible clean and clear - and almost looks greenish. Reminds me of the water on Iceland, when we visited back in 2009.

It is a green and majestic sight to see, the valley and the small farms.

The valley was almost isolated before the railroad came in the early 1900s - the only ways in or out was by foot over the mountains or by boat around the fjord. 

Here you can see the railroad snaking it's way up the mountain on the left side of the picture - and the Rallarvegen with it's 21 twists and turns on the right. Rallarvegen was made during the construction of the railroad, and today it is a popular biking or hiking road. Both the railroad and the Rallarvegen starts (or ends, depending on wether you're going down or up) by Myrdal station, where passengers can board trains heading towards Bergen or Oslo. 

Finishing this post with the view from behind our hotel - the historical Fretheim Hotel - and towards the mountains surrounding Flåm.

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