A few (many...) years ago Anni Downs, the wonderful Australian designer, came to visit Norway. She had just released her series of Little Stitches patterns, and I think my mom and I bought quite a few of those.
Anyway, a few weeks back I was tidying up in my sewing nook, and I came across a plastic folder with a couple of these Little Stitches patterns and most of these already stitched! Among them was the butterfly for the Miracle Make-up Bag. Well, I'd already been thinking about finishing bits and pieces that I'd started to work on, but I had completely forgotten about this stitchery. So what's a crafter to do? Finish it!
And here it is, fresh off the ironing board, and placed in the crispy clean new snow.
I don't wear much make-up (nailpolish and lipgloss) so I'm thinking of using this as a small project bag instead. It is very sweet, colourful and just the right size for a small carry-with project.
Edited to add a comment about when I actually bought this pattern. Way back in 2014 Anni Downs came to Norway to host a workshop and a show & tell. And that was when I bought this (and a couple other) pattern! Thursday May 8th 2014. It's been maturing well, don't you think?
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