But the preparations are on! Ahem.. well, the planning of the gifts have begun, the thinking of what to do during the days off have not started quite yet (what? there are days off? oh sleep...), but the first couple of presents have been fixed/bought/made/started. ;)
First off, I don't remember if I ever showed a picture of these, but I ordered some fat quarters from Nuno-Plus a few weeks ago, and they're gorgeous, funny, cute (even BF thinks so) and I have no idea what to make of them. I kinda just want to keep them in the plastic wrapping and look at them every now and then. But, alas, I will use them for something - sooner or later. ;)
The first parcel to leave this building (haha - internal geeky joke) were for Donna's amazing Secret Santa Christmas Swap (I joined again - ofcourse). :) See for yourselves.

Just teasing. ;) They're wrapped.

Every single one. ;)
And now you might ask why there are two different papers used for the wrapping? Well, you'll find out - in about 28 days. ;)
In other news - I have officially started on the Butterfly Garden-quilt! Cheating, of course - as I did a little on the Truly Scrumptious.. Yes, I know, I'm a sneaky person.. that's why I play a rogue in World of Warcraft, I guess.. *grins* Anyway, I've spent quite a lot of time thinking about the BG quilt, about the colours and the fabrics, of the way it is designed, and I did some counting. 9 blocks, consisting of 9 blocks. 9 x9 = 81. 9 different types of blocks (according to my counting and grouping) - why not make the blocks of each type similar? So that's what I've done. I kinda like a bit of order and system in my things (although our apartment doesn't really give that impression at the moment) so I decided that I wanted to be able to see a pattern (much more clearly then in the original). Therefore I have now started on the heart blocks, and they will (all 8 of them) be in the same fabrics and more or less identical. And I like that idea. :)
So, to continue on the textmessage I sent to Quiltoholiker and my mom last night - 2 down 79 to go. :)