Thursday, August 26, 2021

A bunch of words and a picture.

I started thinking about this post before the weekend, but didn't get very far. I found a picture of a finished project I hadn't shared, and then everything came to a holt. 

I saw that one of the blogs I've been following "forever" just posted a new post, and for once I responded by leaving a comment. Which is something I really should be doing more, but for some reason, I don't. Perhaps because it feels like a lot of the blogs I follow these days aren't really "personal" or of a kind of "leave a reply"-ish type of blogs? I dunno. But I remember how exciting it was to receive feedback "back in the day" - and I try to leave a comment, a question or a sign that I've read your post and that you've made an impression or a difference to my day. I'm not quite sure if I'm able to actually write out what I mean here, so if this makes sense to you - then I guess I managed after all.

There's not much going on here in Norway these days. We're not i lockdown, although the number of infected people are higher now that they've been since late winter-early spring. The vaccinations are going along smoothly (I got my second shot last week), so the government seems to be in a more "we can handle this"-mode than before. Most of the infected ones are either young adults or people already vaccinated, and they've been getting far less sick than previously. 

My work's been talking about how things will be when we return to the office. And as of September 1st working from home is no longer a demand, but and option - same as travelling to the office. We'll be able to decide more where we'd like to work - atleast for the time being. Which is good. I think that a sudden change from working from home and commuting to the office would really take it's toll on those who have a bit of travel to do - and who have kids and schedules to follow in the afternoon. You can't escape the fact that the levels of stress - both in the mornings and in the afternoons - have been significantly lower not having to communte and get stuck in traffic every single day.

My quilt group is finally meeting again tonight. It's been almost a year since the last meeting (I think I went to three last fall, and then everything had to be put on hold again). I have no idea which project to bring along.. not that there are no candidates. But it's been so long since I packed my bag and went outside the house to work on a project, that I'm note quite sure which project(-s) will be handy to bring along or not. I'm knitting alot, which is no news really, but I'm going to a quilting group and I want to bring some sewing along - and leave my knitting needles behing.

Happy Feet - sunny editon, by Marte Helgetun

This summer I finished a pair of cosy socks/slippers. They're my usual black-grey, but the softness is almost undescribable.. It was a funny way to knit these, starting at the toe, but they look great! Not really suitable for wearing in shoes or boots, but more for indoors and at home. Cosy socks!

I'm currently knitting on a sweater (my third or fourth of this year) and am slowly working my way down the first sleeve. I've completed all the required decreases, and now I need to try it on and measure how long the sleeve shound be. It's knitted in handdyed yarn, and for once it's not grey or black - but brown'ish, with hints of a whole rainbow of colours. 

August is almost over - and September is waiting by the door with Fall. It's hard to believe that the year has gone by so swiftly, once again, but here we are.

1 comment:

Chookyblue...... said...

I know what you mean with some blogs. There are some I just look at. They never reply etc. Or more business like so I just view and don't waste my time comment......I comment when I can I do love the comments..... It's how I've connected to people...... The chatter back and forward from a comment left......
Can't imagine working from home for so long...... Don't know how the workforce will look in years to come. Done companies will force people to stay there if they have down sized office space etc. Goodluck in the transition..... Stay safe....