Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Story of my Day - block 25!

And we're done! 

The last block has been stitched - and there are no more blocks to work on. 

What's left now, is cutting the blocks down to size and deciding on borders - before sewing them all together.

I'm curious to see if there are any similar background fabrics that will be next to each other. These blocks were made in the order the patterns were drawn in the book - not the order of the finished blocks put together. And seeing as I've used a number of different background fabrics, I'm not completely certain that two blocks next to each other won't be in the same fabric. We'll see - but there's no crisis if this occurs.

Fish for tea - a cute block! I loved the little piece of lemon and the fish.

Here they are, all together.


We've already decided on our next project, my mom and I - the Christmas blocks from "Love & Hugs from Australia" (the patterns came from a group on Facebook). 12 small blocks with Christmas motifs. I've already decided to stitch mine in a variegated red (from dark red-almost black to bright Christmas red). 

I probably won't sew these 25 blocks together before Christmas, we'll see - there's no rush to finish them, although I'm looking forward to having the quilt all done. I think it'll be a nice memory of this year, how we managed to make something together - although being apart. And remembering how fast time seemed to go, even when we were all "just staying at home".

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