Friday, August 21, 2020

The Story of my Day - Block 11

Week 11 - block 11. 

It's still entertaining and fun to stitch again, and as these are rather small blocks - with only one a week - this whole project is just nice. In a lack of better words.

I'm knitting a scarf/shawl, taking a break from knitting dish cloths, waiting for two new books (knitting) and some craft supplies. I've joined a quarterly spinning fibre club, and am wondering about (finally) starting a project using my (vintage.. hahaha) Halloween fabric. 

I have about a ton of things to sew on the sewing machine - but all I want to do is sew by hand.. Well, soon I'll be able to wrap up the home office for the weekend, perhaps the sewing machine will get some attention this weekend...?

We'll see. 

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