The days and weeks go by - and suddenly it's been a month since my last post. It's not that I don't want to post, I have ideas and things happening all the time - but to be honest, after staring at a computor screen (or two, as I have dual screens) all day at work, I really am quite sick of staring at screens. So I knit. I sew a little. I make a huge mess up on the third floor, rediscovering projects and UFO's, giving them new life (or, starting to). And little by little, my crafty self gets satisfied. And I say to my self "I'll get back to blogging more regularly soon..". I knitted a jacket, finished it the evening before going back to work after Easter (say that quickly five times, I dare you). It's not blogged. Not completely registered in Ravelry either. But it's being worn, almost every day, and I love it! (So I started knitting another one. Different pattern, but for me.)

Don't you just love the light in the morning? This is taken around 06:15 (AM). I was waiting for the bus to come, to take me to the office, this morning.
Thursday is my day home with A. I'm not sure what we'll be doing, but I'm sure the day will fly by like a whirlwind. (Like the one that empties all the cupboards in the kitchen and the drawers of hats and mittens. The whirlwind named A.)