Wednesday, February 25, 2015


The seasons are having quite an argument going these days. We've gone from snow to sunny, thaw to frost, ice to burning sunsets, back to snow - and rain. And all this over the past couple of weeks! 

One of our neighbours have been driving me nearly insane for the past week.. Knowing he means well doesn't really make listening to him use an iron rod to break ice outside our building four days in a row (and one night at 11.30PM..). The road is clear now, so far. I hope it stays that way for a while..

Hope you're having a wonderful project to work on these days. I could use some ideas if you have any good tips. ;-)

1 comment:

Laila said...

Godt at det ikke er mye snø :-)
Tror du har en lukkekant ...og kansje litt strikking :-))