Early this summer I did something that I might've thought about before, but didn't quite plan to do for another year or two.. I resigned from my job. I quit. I sent in my notice - and for the past three months I've, well, I guess I've kind of been living (working..) in denial, not quite daring to think or believe what I have done.
But the truth is that after almost seven years I'm feeling like testing new grass might just be a good thing. Seven years.. well, almost seven. I started as a hired-in consultant back in 2006, November 6th, to be precise. And signed the contract for permanent employment on July 1st 2007. I still think of November 2006 as the time I started working in this company, so I'm sticking to that date (I actually wrote stitched there.. would you believe it?).
Anyway, this is my last week in this company. Four more mornings. Four more buses to catch at 06:24 (or earlier) in the morning. Four more afternoons stressing to get back before the kindergarden closes (or before Mini's the last kid left.. I hate it when that happens..).
Next week we're off for a little retreat. A little time together, the three of us. But I'll tell you more about that later.
Retro apples? I'm sold! |
September 2nd is my first day in the new job. A consultant, again, but with waaaay shorter travel (I think I can walk to the new office in about half the time it takes to take the bus to the current one). It'll be good, I think. I
hope. I know a couple of girls there, former co-workers of mine, and we'll all do good.
first day of school-feeling continues to build. Just look at the new lunch box (green apple), fruit box (red apple) and kitchen accessories (potholders and towel) I found in a shop downtown a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't resist if I tried (not that I tried
that hard, haha..).
Here's to four more days with some of the most wonderful engineers (and friends) in the world!