After reading
Donna's latest blogpost, I had to go to my Bloglines and doublecheck (I guess that's the penalty for always having the same page open, and not checking the frontpage of these kinds of sites - you miss things, important things). And, yup, Donna was right - from October 1st 2010, Bloglines is history.
So, what should I do, without the help of such a site, I'd miss out on alot of things on the blogs I follow (or am I lazy for not checking my favorites everyday - by myself, and not with a little help?) and it's darned practical to have someone tell you when someone has made a new entry on their blog.
Well, the first thing I though of, was Google Reader. My BF uses it - and it's pretty easy (as far as my five minutes checking it out and organizing my feeds), so I did what Bloglines said, I copied all the feeds I follow (by exporting them into a file) and took the file over to Google Reads (seeing that I already use Blogspot/Google to blog, they already knew who I was *haha*), imported the file - and, voilá! All my feeds are now in Google Reads! (Which, if I'm not mistaking, is
not closing down on October 1st.) *happy-happy me*
It's raining here today (or, atleast it did, some time this morning). I'm tired - couldn't sleep until way past 3AM.. and we have visitors coming later today, and I hope that today turns out in a way more positive way than what it feels like it's going to do right now. I think it started sometime last night, when our landlord gave us about 15 seconds warning before a viewing of our apartment..
Oh the joy.. Hopefully, he'll be able to find someone who'll rent our apartment very soon - so that we can move into our own, beautiful apartment - and if he can do that, I guess I can live with a minor heartattack every now and then.
I've finished the stitchery on Peder's Christmas stocking, going to put on some glass beads and buttons - and wash the darned thing (as it's got some orange stuff on it) - before I finish it. I've been a very good girl and managed to prepare some more stitcheryblocks for Tailfeathers - and right now I'm working on one of the parts for this year's SSCS! :D (So not all things going on here are going on my nerves or being slightly on the negative side. It just seems like it, sometimes..)
I'm looking forward to Christmas, hoping *
hoping hoping keeping my fingers crossed* that we'll be able to celebrate in our own apartment, with our own little tree, starting to create our own traditions - and not having to do multiple celebrations (again..). But, time will tell - atleast I know what I (and, I hope, we) wish for.