Both my mom and I decided to save the SSCS-parcels for when we all opened our other gifts, hop over to her blog and see what she received from her Secret Santa. :)
My Secret Santa this year was Anne from the UK. Look at the gorgeous wallhanging she made for me - thank you soooo much! The quilting is absolutely gorgeous.
Because we weren't going to be home for Christmas Eve - nor for New Years Eve - we decided to not put up all the decorations this year. I like our Christmas decorations, but - unlike last year, when we decided to stay at home for most of the time, and even had a Christmas tree - this year we brought out the advents lights, the advent star and some of these newly made elves that were made and ended up a little bit here and there around our apartment.
I bought them at Panduro, in a kit, and they were fun and easy to put together.
There has been a little time - and inspiration - for stitching so far this Christmas. I brought with me 4 pieces of the Tail Feathers-pattern to Trysil, and managed to finish them all (these are miniature blocks, to go together with other blocks to form block 3 and 4 of the Tail Feathers-quilt by Cinderberry Stitches). I've prepped stitching blocks from block 6 and 7 to work on (I'm saving block 5 a little, not quite sure about those tiny applicated circles... hmm...) and also the four stitching blocks from one of her (Cinderberry Stitches, again, if you didn't guess it) lates patterns, Raspberry Cream. The raspberry red is a little bit too pink for my liking, but I'm giving it a go - it might turn out lovely, as most of the patterns I've tried from Cinderberry Stitches.
Wishing you all a wonderful New Year! May it bring happiness and joy, inspiration and creativity.
I know what we'll be doing the next couple of months.. and we've already started. Thanks to my sister and a friend of hers, we've got drawers full of tiny clothes, we've started to buy the basics, like a sheep's wool/skin, and other useful items. March is not _that_ far away anymore, less than 100 days away.. *yikes*