On the more fun part of life (haha) the Truly Scrumptious is going great! Block number 5, 6 and 7 are completed - and number 8 started. It's kinda strange to think that soon I have to start looking for fabric for borders.. I'm thinking about a nice brown one, in the same series as the stripes, but have to see if the LQS has it or not..

After this - TS I mean - I'm thinking about starting the Butterfly Garden, but before I do that, I need to do some planning regarding colors and such.

But! I've still got some time before I have to decide on that. I mean, I'd like to get all 9 blocks completed first, sewn together, and atleast ready for quilting before I start another big project. Then again, I might change my mind..

When it comes to Cinderberry Stitches, I've completely fallen for most of the patterns - and I can't seem to not start new ones.. Above - the picture got turned, for some odd reason - are two projects, one almost completed and one just started. I realized I didn't have a needlebook, and since I had the pattern - why not? And the Christmas-thing was started in December last year. Not much left now, so should be able to finish it in good time for next Christmas.

Anne Ida brought her Sylvia's Bridal Sample too show and tell in the last guild meeting before the summer (Hanne brought her Nearly Insane too, but my camera decided to die on me before I managed to take any pictures), and it's absolutely gorgeous! If you ever have the chance to take a closer look at this masterpiece, you'd better take it. ;)